Award of Arms

Last Update: October 29, 2004

The Scroll

For tis time this scroll was rather innovative. It does not follow the "standard" text as printed in the Midrealm scribes handbook. Instead Graydon created a text that is a single sentence. The scribe also mentioned that this was his second attempt at a scroll, the first was more norse and runic but something went wrong and it had to be completely redone at the last minute.

The text itself reads:
Be it known that we Tadashi & Ariake Rex & Regina Mediteranei, Princeps & princepissa ealdormaris, do make upon the day of our crown tournament, that being in the XXIV year of the high kingdom upon the feast of St. Simon the zealot, St. Jude the apostle & St. Jude the brother of the lord, unto our servant Ragnar Thorbergsson, which worthy has done good service to our canton of Bryniau Tywynnog and to our kingdom as an archer at the XVIII battle of the Pennsic War, an award of arms.

Some day I should borrow an illuminator and get my arms drawn in.