Welcome to my little corner of the Web!
Who am I? Well, that's a good question. My interests include: blogging, gardening, reading, many things textile related, making glass beads, Leif the Licky, Ginger Cat, Neil the hubby, webwork, photography, the Dark Ages Recreation Company, the Society of Creative Anachronism, and there's a few tv shows I enjoy.
The textile hobby started early, in my pre-teens when I took crotchet and knitting lessons from the lady next door. I still enjoy crocheting, but I just never took to knitting. I've done some embroidery, but like knitting, it just doesn't interest me as much. When I met Neil, I discovered whole new worlds of textile hobbies in Viking Era recreation - naalbinding, natural dyeing, spinning and weaving on a warp-weighted loom.
Things I'd like to try in the future: playing the guitar, tablet-weaving, sprang, quilting and things as yet undiscovered.
I've recently moved these pages from their old home to the Treheima website. It's a good opportunity to expand / update. I'd like to develop pages for some of my hobbies, but it may take some time to do, so feel free to come back and visit now and then.
I work at the University of Waterloo,
(resistance is futile) and I have an odd fondness for a particular feature of
the campus....well, you'd have to see the darlin' to believe
only the two prettiest and most annoying creatures on earth
mine and others (last updated: ?)
my favourite places on the Web (Last updated: April 21, 2006)
Me! but please play nice.