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All Speakers
Speakers A-E
Speakers F-N
Speakers O-Z
Speakers 5+ years
Speakers 10+ years
Speakers 15+ years
Speakers 20+ years
Previous Suggestions
AEMMA10Fighting With a Longsword
How Shall a Man be Armed
11Principals of Medieval Combat
12Historical Techniques of Armoured Combat (2 hours)
Aaron Bolarinho21Re-enactment and Historical Martial Arts
Aaron Fehir24Juvenile Osteology
Adam Ali23Conflicts of the pre-modern Islamic world
Adrienne Dandy

Years Taught: 9
Classes Taught: 22
Hours Taught: 25
4Peasant Life [Offered twice]
5Eleanor of Aquitane
6Cool Chicks I
Cool Chicks II
Cool Chicks III
7A Peasant in King Edward's Court? (In Persona)
Women in History - Queens
Women in History - Nuns
8How do we know what we know?
Peasant Life
Women In History - Writers
Women in History - Crusaders
10English History (2 hours)
11Debunking Myths of the Middle Ages
English History (2 hours)
17Bodice fitting 101
Take this bodice and...
18Bodice fitting 101
Take this bodice and...
Aenflaed of Wansbeck9Outerwear
Pants & Skirts
Aibhilin fra Skye

Years Taught: 9
Classes Taught: 12
Hours Taught: 14
2Cooking Herbs [Offered twice]
Recipes [Offered twice]
3Cooking Herbs
4Cooking Herbs
6Humours in Food
Indian food of the 12th Century
7Early Period Cooking
9Indian Food - Pre 12th century
10Children: Embroidery
Children: Messy Cooking
14Introduction to Embrodery for Children
15Anglo-Saxon Cooking
Alex Di Paolo

Years Taught: 1
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 7
25Children: Pottery Smash
Children: Hieroglyphs
Children: Cave Paintings
Children: Movie (2 hours)
Children: Games
Children: Charades
Alex Gabauer24North American Archaeology and Indigenous Populations
Alexander Wreford222E3P (Two Estates - Three Papers)
Alexis Cooke

Years Taught: 3
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 6
23Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (I)
Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (II)
24Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (I)
Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (II)
25Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (I)
Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (II)
Alfredo De Santis12Italian for Re-enactors
16Shetland Sheep
Alicia McKenzie

Years Taught: 5
Classes Taught: 5
Hours Taught: 5
21Lusty Kings, Drunken Bishops, and Fool's Gold: Humor and Morality in Merovingian Gaul
24Re-enactment and Education
25Through a broken mirror: Game of Thrones and medieval history
26Sorcerers, pornocrats, and zombie popes: the feudal church in crisis
27The Mongol Art of War
Amy Menary

Years Taught: 9
Classes Taught: 11
Hours Taught: 11
3Clothing 1450-1600
Decorative Beading
4Clothing 1450-1600
Decorative Beading
12Books, Articles, and Research
13Books, Articles, and Research
20Costuming Research (1000 - 1800 A.D)
21Costuming Research (1000 - 1800 A.D)
22Costuming Research (1000 - 1800 A.D)
23Costuming Research (1000 - 1800 A.D)
24Costuming Research (1000 - 1800 A.D)
Anatolijs Venovcevs23Dress for Life and Death: The Archaeology of Common Nineteenth-Century Buttons
Anatoly Venovcev19Vikings and the Inuit in Greenland
20The Archaeology of Caribbean and Atlantic Piracy
Andrea Austin26Viking Wire Weaving (2 hours)
Andrea Collis17How to make beaded snoods with nalbinding
Andrea Shalay22Storytelling 101
Andree mac Byrne9Heraldry
Andrew Szucs21Queens & Peasants
Ann Graham

Years Taught: 6
Classes Taught: 9
Hours Taught: 13
12Introduction to reading square notation (2 hours)
White Ruffs, Black Turtlenecks - Development of the English Sonnet
13Poetic Elements
14Latin Poetry
Soapstone Carving (2 hours)
15Latin Poetry (2 hours)
16Literacy in Western Europe
18Introduction to Reading Square Notation (2 hours)
Why does Mediaeval Music sound different?
Anne Cox

Years Taught: 7
Classes Taught: 10
Hours Taught: 12
Warp Weighted Loom (2 hours)
12Warp Weighted Loom (2 hours)
13Hand Sewing
14All About Linen
15Historical Sheep
Practical Flax
Anthea5Politics of Fashion (1500s)
Aonghas macLeoid o'hAngusa of Strathafon6Armies of Bonnie Prince Charlie
Arin McLean of Loch Buie1Calligraphy [Offered twice]
2Calligraphy [Offered twice]
Illumination [Offered twice]
Arnora Dunestan

Years Taught: 8
Classes Taught: 22
Hours Taught: 31
1Costume I (pre 1200) [Offered twice]
Leatherwork [Offered twice]
2Costume pre 1200 [Offered twice]
Costume post 1200 [Offered twice]
3Arthurian Legends
Clothing 1200-1450
4Clothing 1200-1450
Costume Patterns [Offered twice]
5Costume Accessories
Costume Patterns
Costume Try-On (Practicum) (2 hours)
Fashion 1200-1450
6Costume patterns [Offered twice]
Introduction to the SCA [Offered twice]
Medieval Fashion 1350-1450
7Drafting Patterns (2 hours)
Period Patterns
10Beginner's Guide to Freestyle Embroidery
The Art of Building a Persona
Basic Medieval Patterns
Artus Faucon12Dueling and the Rapier Culture
Ashley Dafoe

Years Taught: 1
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 7
25Children: Pottery Smash
Children: Hieroglyphs
Children: Cave Paintings
Children: Movie (2 hours)
Children: Games
Children: Charades
Ashley Lefler23The Modern World

Years Taught: 8
Classes Taught: 12
Hours Taught: 12
12Children - Music
13Basic Half-Uncial Calligraphy
Children's Calligraphy
Playing Dance Music
17Dance Music
18Beginner's Celtic Harp
21A brief history of everything harp: a workshop in two parts
The History of Ogham
23Introduction to Troubadours
24Introduction to Troubadours
Try your 'Hand' at Calligraphy
Audrey Hollinger10Paper Making (3 hours)
12Papermaking (3 hours)
Augustine du Charbonnieres

Years Taught: 4
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 18
4Origin of Law (Magna Carta)
8Blacksmithing (3 hours)
9Advanced Blacksmithing (4 hours)
Beginner's Blacksmithing (3 hours)
10Beginners Blacksmithing (3 hours)
Blacksmithing - open shop (4 hours)
Aurora Simmons20The importance of excellence in material culture
Basic Illumination
Heraldry [Offered twice]
Barry Torch22A second look at Art
Bernadette Steinhauser8English Country Dance
Introduction to the SCA [Offered twice]
Bernard Sebastian Wolfe

Years Taught: 4
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 7
2Women in History
4Lucette Cord (Practicum) (2 hours)
5Advanced Lucette Cord Making
Basic Lucette Cord Making
6Advanced Lucette Cord Making
Basic Lucette Cord Making
Bernie Roehl2350 Shades of History - a look at non-traditional sexual practices in history
2650 Shades of History - a look at non-traditional sexual practices in history
2750 Shades of History - a look at non-traditional sexual practices in history
Beth Patchett

Years Taught: 6
Classes Taught: 10
Hours Taught: 12
10Basic Tunic Making (2 hours)
Hose for men and women
12Conquest Era clothing in England
14How to dress like a moderately sucessful 11th Century Englishman
Tips and tricks for handsewing (2 hours)
15Anglo-Saxon Cooking
21Dress the Anglo Saxon and Viking women
Dress the Anglo Saxon and Viking man
23Food and cooking methods in the Viking age
Bjorn1Dance I
Dance II
Dance III
Dance IV
Bonnie Coursolle20Tree of Life - Myth & Symbolism (2 hours)
21Tree of Life - Myth & Symbolism (2 hours)
Brad Hovenden15Norse Shoes
Brand Thorwaldsson1Heraldry
8Speaking Medievally
Branwen1Celtic History
2Celtic History [Offered twice]
Bree Flowers14Fingerloop Braiding
Brendan Smith

Years Taught: 11
Classes Taught: 37
Hours Taught: 40
11Japan - Beginning of the Edo Period
12Japanese History of the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1543-1603)
Japanese Tea Ceremony
13Japanese Tea Ceremony
Japanese History of the Heian Era to the Edo Period
Japanese Poetry & Storytelling
14Comparing the Heian Era (794-1185) and the Sengoku Jidai (1543-1603)
Japanese Folklore and Poetry
Japanese History from 794-1467
Japanese History from 1467-1603
15Europeans in Japan
Genpei War
Mongol Invasions
Ninja and Warrior Monks
Sengoku Jidai (Age of warring states)
16Europeans in Japan
Japanese Food History (2 hours)
Japanese History from 794-1543
Japanese History from 1543-1605
Mongol Invasions
Ninja and Warrior Monks
17Who were the Samurai?
19Who were the Samurai?
Samurai Cooking (2 hours)
Warrior Monks and Ninja of Japan
Stories and Poetry of Medieval Japan
History of Japan
European Influence on Japan
20Who were the Samurai?
Japanese cooking (2 hours)
21SCA Combat Demonstration
Introduction to the Society for Creative Anachronism
22Influential battles of the Middle Ages
SCA heavy fighting demonstration
Introduction to the SCA
History of Japan from 1100 to 1573
History of Japan from 1573 to 1603
Brenneth3Blacksmithing (Practicum) (2 hours)
4Advanced Blacksmithing (Practicum) (2 hours)
Beginners Blacksmithing (Practicum) (2 hours)
Brent Krajewski222E3P (Two Estates - Three Papers)
Brent McCrackin20English Country Dance
Brian Dorian12Pavillion Making (2 hours)
Brian Laxson14Practical Medieval Gaming
Practical Medieval Gaming
Brian McIlmoyle15Fighting in armour with the sword
Fighting with the sword in one hand
21The use of the Buckler and small Shield in single combat with Swords.
Bridget Jankowski19Intro to Fibre Prep for Spinning
Intro to Drop Spinning (2 hours)
20Introduction to Fibre Prep for Spinning
Introduction to Drop Spinning (2 hours)
Bruce Blackistone23The Longship Company: Things We Think We Know
26The Battle of Maldon; Reality at Four Removes (2 hours)
27<PS> Beowabbit: new light on an ancient poetic tradition
Bruce MacOdrum15Courtesans of Renaissance Italy
Cady Berardi22Eating the Past: The food of Apicius comes to life
Caitrin of Chalswell6Beginners Herbs
Pre-Christian Religion
Cancelled23The Strange World of Human Sacrifice
25Law and Order: Ancient Peoples' Unit - Cancelled
Setup(Henna cancelled) (2 hours)
Candice Kernot22A second look at Art
Turn Ons and Jack Offs: Pornography in Ancient Greece
Caroline McLachlan-Darling12Children - Dance
18Dance - Inns of Court
Early Period Dance
All Requests - Period Dances
Carolyn Spelt25Setup(Lunch)
Carolyn of Amberview9Cross-stitch 101(Practicum)
Musician's Jam Session (Practicum)
Cary Timar15Reckoning, a first lesson
20Habits of mind; How tools affect thinking
Cassandra Brooks27First Experiments
Catherine (Artair's Lady)1Costume II (post 1200) [Offered twice]
Catherine Ollerhead DeSantis

Years Taught: 14
Classes Taught: 20
Hours Taught: 20
10The Tudors go to the movies
12Bodices and Corsets
Life during the Tudor Era
Tudor Clothing
14Tudor Textiles
15Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived
Presenting the Past - Approaches to Re-creating History
16Portraits and Clothing Design
Shetland Sheep
17Bodice fitting 101
Portraits and Clothing Design
18Bodice fitting 101
19Truth about the Tudors
21Run for fear, spring cleaning's here! Victorian approaches to housework.
22Polite Society
I wrote some
23Return of the King, the grave of Richard III
24The Medical History of Richard Third
26Return of the King; Richard's Re-interment
27Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived
Catherine of Haley Green1Archery Survey
Cathy1Wood Construction
Ceallach7Beer Making
Wood Construction Practicum (2 hours)
Chris Kerr14Arms and Armour for 11th Century England
Flint and Steel fire starting
15Tools, Technique and Ritual of the Early Medieval Hunt - An Introduction to Gaston Pheobus' Le Livre de la Chasse (The Book of the Hunt)
Chris Nighman, Ph.D.19Keynote Lecture: Statim inuenire: the Manipulus florum in the 14th and 21st centuries
Christian Cameron20Not Just Costume - Reenactors as serious historians
Christine Olliffe

Years Taught: 4
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 6
13Beginners sewing for Children
Celtic Knotwork
15Board Games for Children - Alquerques
Board Games for Children - Hounds and Hare
16Children's Interactive Activities
Clare Pember222E3P (Two Estates - Three Papers)
Clare Stanworth-Cunnane15Medieval Cheese-Making (2 hours)
Colleen Moynham

Years Taught: 3
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 6
23Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (I)
Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (II)
24Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (I)
Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (II)
25Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (I)
Gryphon Medieval Brass Rubbings (II)
Corey Bott27Lost Wax Demonstration
Craig Mackay22The Hispanic Papers
Cynwrig the Wanderer

Years Taught: 5
Classes Taught: 7
Hours Taught: 11
1Board Games
Card Games
Dice Games
2Games [Offered twice]
3Decorative Weaving (Practicum) (2 hours)
5Games [Offered twice]
6Games [Offered twice]
DARC11Viking Talk
Damien Coles24A Prow on a Misty Sea
25Getting started re-enacting
Daniele di Padola11Mathematics
Danute Dorion

Years Taught: 7
Classes Taught: 8
Hours Taught: 12
7Middle And Late Period Fashions, 1350-1600
8Medieval Fashions [Offered twice]
11Head Gear (2 hours)
12Fashion Accessories
Pavillion Making (2 hours)
13Courtly Love and Troubador Poetry
17Poetry Open Forum (2 hours)
Darrell Markewitz

Years Taught: 21
Classes Taught: 43
Hours Taught: 43
6Historical Interpretation for Re-enactors
So you want to be a viking
7Norse in America
8Historical Interpretation for Re-enactors
The History of Bladed Weapons - from the dawn of time to the firearm
Shopping with Sylard - What a Norseman needs to own! (In Personna)
9Historical Interpretation for Re-enactors
Norse Construction
Viking Life (In Personna)
10Iron working in the Middle Ages
Viking Talk
11'Damn things', 'Aunt Janes', and other oddities
12Norse Ironworking
13Creating the Kitchen - Pre Conquest Domestic Technologies
The Cutting Edge - an overview from the Dawn of Time to the development of the firearm
14Material Culture of the Viking Age
Re-creating Medieval Objects
Smelting Iron - report on ongoing experiments
15'Dirt into Iron' - Smelting Experiments 2004
Presenting the Past - Approaches to Re-creating History
16Iron Smelting - a Practical Guide
17So you want to buy a Sword...
Let's talk about Vikings
18"I'll huff and I'll puff..." Constructing a Dark Ages Bellows
Building an Early Period Camp
19Exploring the Viking Age in Denmark
Towards an Icelandic Smelt
To build a Tent - Camping in the Viking Age
20Setting the Scene: Interpretive Methods for Living History
Iron Smelting in Vinland: converting archaeological evidence to a practical method
21Viking Age 101 - A fast overview of the material culture of the Norse
So - You Want to be a Blacksmith - A beginners historical guide'
DARC goes to L.A.M.; Integrating Historic Re-enactors into an Existing Parks Canada Presentation or How We Spent Our Summer Vacation.
22Experimental Vikings: Glass and Iron
Presenting the Past - developing Living History programming
23I'll Huff and I'll Puff - Observations on Air Delivery in Bloomery Iron Furnaces
The Cutting Edge : Considering Blades
24Working an Experiment - 'Turf to Tools' at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop
Persona and Living History - A Round Table
Re-enactment and Education
25Archaeology and Experiment: Moving beyond the Artifacts
Forging the Viking Age
27Blow Me Down - Further Investigations of Human Powered Air
Dave Cox

Years Taught: 9
Classes Taught: 12
Hours Taught: 12
9Norse Art
Viking Life (In Personna)
10The Oseberg Viking Ship Burial
Viking Talk
11Viking Hoaxes
12Norse Tool Time
13Norse Calendar - the rythym of life
14Historic Interpretation for the Re-enactor
15Oseberg Ship Burial
Viking Ship Building (for Dummies)
21DARC goes to L.A.M.; Integrating Historic Re-enactors into an Existing Parks Canada Presentation or How We Spent Our Summer Vacation.
25Breathing new life into History; Museums and Re-enactors
David Blanchard

Years Taught: 5
Classes Taught: 9
Hours Taught: 9
11The Baltic Crusade
Military Orders in the Middle Ages
14Ukrainian costumes from 1000-1600
Western Ukraine during the Time of the Mongol invasions
15Ukrainian Costumes from 1000-1600
Ukrainian Names and Heraldy
16Ukrainian Clothing from 1400-1600
Ukrainian Names and Heraldy
David Clarke23Decorated mediaeval floor tiles
Early timber frame building in the UK
David Learmonth

Years Taught: 8
Classes Taught: 12
Hours Taught: 12
16Renaissance Era Dance
17Renaissance Era Dance
19European Dance - Mimed Bransles
European Dance - English Country Dances
20Intro to 15th Century Italian Dance
Inns of Court
21Beginner's Ball
22European Dance - English Country Dances
European Dance - Mimed Bransles of France
24European Dance - Cascarde of 16th Century Italy
25European Dance - English Country Dances
European Dance - 15th Century Italian Dances
David Martin Failsworth

Years Taught: 4
Classes Taught: 5
Hours Taught: 6
2Courtly Behaviour
3Courtly Etiquette
4Courtly Etiquette [Offered twice]
Flirting 101 (In Persona)
7Courtly Love (In personna)
David Porreca, Ph.D.15Resource Depletion and Surviving the End of Empires
20The End of an Empire
22What Motivates Magic, and How Far Would a Magus Go? - A Case Study of the Latin Picatrix
25A mixed bag
David Stamper

Years Taught: 9
Classes Taught: 18
Hours Taught: 18
12On Being an Elizabethan Gentleman
13"To Singe the King of Spain's Beard": The Naval Conflict between England and Spain in the Late 16th Century
14Getting a Handle on Hilts: The Development of the Sword Hilt 1450-1600
Sidesword - Cut-and-Thrust Swordplay of the 15th and 16th Centuries
16Introduction to the Cut-and-Thrust Swordplay of the 15th and 16th Centuries
Pirates of the Elizabethan Era
19Warfare in the Renaissance Part 1
Warfare in the Renaissance Part 2
21The Development of the Knight in the Early Middle Ages
Early Medieval Warfare, Arms and Armour 1000-1200 CE
22To Singe the King of Spain's Beard Part 1: Events Leading up to the Armada Fight of 1588
To Singe the King of Spain's Beard Part 2: Naval Warfare and Technology during the Age of Elizabeth I
Introduction to Italian Rapier
23To the Hilt: The Development of Sword Hilts from the Late 15th Century until the End of the 16th Century
Heraldry in the Middle Ages
Period Fencing Demonstration
24Late 16th Century Men's Costume
To the Hilt: An Examination of the Renaissance Sword Hilt 1460-1600
David Tristan26The Battle of Maldon; Reality at Four Removes (2 hours)
Davin de la baliene12Basic Stone Carving (2 hours)
13Basic Stone Carving (2 hours)
Dean Knight, Ph.D.17Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones
Deb Mattingly15Costuming - Men's 14th Century England
Debbe Kerkoff19Three Early Medieval Celebrities
Debbie Kerkhof24A mixed bag: Pirates and Cross-dressers
25The Gender of Dragons
Deborah Welch

Years Taught: 3
Classes Taught: 5
Hours Taught: 8
13Introduction to the SCA [Offered twice]
15Norse Wire Knitting for Beginners (2 hours)
Norse Wire Knitting - Advanced (2 hours)
Diana Glennie15Old English Country Dance - Beginner's Steps
Old English Country Dance - Second Steps
Dr. Darrin Cox24Vikings: Medieval Metrosexuals?
Re-enactment and Education
25Chivalry and Masculinity
Dr. Neal Ferris25Sustainable Archaeologies from Sustainable Archaeology
Dr. Scott Gallimore26Significant or Insignificant? The Impact of Disasters in the Archaeological Record
Dur of Hidden Mountain10Intermediate Hand Drumming
Wisdom and Lies - tales from the Middle East
Dylan McCorquodale

Years Taught: 3
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 6
25A mixed bag
The Death and Resurrection of the Medieval Theatre
Recreating Medieval Theatre
27Why Ancient Greece Was Really Kind of Terrible
Ealasaid Loginach na Kildare

Years Taught: 5
Classes Taught: 8
Hours Taught: 8
7Scottish Life
8Scottish Life
Women in History - Roles of Women
914th Century Scottish Lady
Make a Tunic
Scottish Life
Ealdormere War College17Ealdormere War College: Small group Strategy & Tactics
Ealdormere War College: In Armour Session (4 hours)
Eeva the Restless27Introduction to Embroidery (2 hours)
Eleanor ferch Hew9Holidays& History
Preserving Food
10Holidays and History
Preserving Food
Elina de Braose

Years Taught: 3
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 7
3Middle Eastern Dance
4Middle Eastern Dance [Offered twice]
Norman Society (In Persona)
Courtly Love (In personna)
Elise Kingston

Years Taught: 5
Classes Taught: 11
Hours Taught: 13
14Heraldic Display
Reconstructing the Viborg Shirt
1612th century Clothing Styles
12th century Dress Accessories
12th century Hair Styles
17Scholasticism & the Rise of Science in the Middle Ages
The First Abolition of Slavery: Queen Bathildis & the Manumission Movement
Romanesque Garment Construction - Practicum (2 hours)
18Romanesque Garment Construction - Practicum (2 hours)
Introduction to the SCA
Elizabeth Cadfan

Years Taught: 4
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 8
4Passions of the Saints
5Jewelry Question and Answer [Offered twice]
Pewter Casting
6Castration, Virginity, and Sex [Offered twice]
7Beasts in the Middle Ages
Contraception, Virginity, and Prostitution
Ellen Mervin22Counted Cross Stitch - Learn to Make Your Own Heirlooms
23Counted Cross Stitch - Learn to Make Your Own Heirlooms
25Counted Cross Stitch - Learn to Make Your Own Heirlooms
Elspeth1Songs/Music [Offered twice]
Elyse Tera12Medieval Medicine in China (2 hours)
Emily Sunarine24The Greeks and Their Art
Erhard Kruger21Make a Bracelet (2 hours)
Eric the Peacock6Olde Dances [Offered twice]
7Old Dances
12Introduction to Rennaisance Dance
Erik Roth22Medieval archery
24Medieval Games People Play
Erynn Bockler22Bookbinding 101
Etaoin4Drop Spindle
Dyes & Dyeing
Eve Harris19An Introduction to Lindisfarne Illumination
20Beyond the Book of Kells: Ripping off Celtic Motifs
Eyrny Ormarsdottir

Years Taught: 2
Classes Taught: 6
Hours Taught: 6
2Dance I
Dance II
Dance III
3Dance I
Dance II
Dance III

Total number of speakers: 124
Total number of hours: 634
Average number of speakers: 5.1129032258065
Total number of years: 336
Average number of years: 2.7096774193548
Total number of classes: 541
Average number of classes: 4.3629032258065